0330 043 5464

24 hours a day 7 days a week

0330 043 5464

24 hours a day 7 days a week

Disclosure of interests

Ultimate Owner

The owner of Lowest Price Funerals is Benedict Funeral Directors Ltd. Their address is; 1 Bedford Road, Henlow, Bedfordshire, SG16 6DR.  The registration number at Companies House is 08334955. The directors of the company are Mr. Joseph Wills and Mr. Peter Cremin.

Lowest Price Funerals (including its Ultimate Owner Benedict Funeral Directors Ltd) does not have any financial or business interests in any price comparison website

Lowest Price Funerals (including its ultimate owner Benedict Funeral Directors Ltd) declares it has not; made any material charitable donations to a third party, neither has there been any charity donations / contributions, nor has there been any gratuity payment to a third party, and  no material type of payment is made to any third party that is not relating to a cost incurred for a service that has been legitimately provided to Lowest Price Funerals (or its ultimate owner Benedict Funeral Directors Ltd)

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